
Friday, February 3, 2012

No cooking disaster this time!

For Christmas my Brian's cousin got me a recipe file. I thanked her but I knew I wouldn't use it because I CAN'T cook! Just has never been my thing. Then a couple of weeks ago while I was on my cleaning frenzy I found the recipe file. I started looking through it and found it was very organized and simple! I thought OK I will challenge myself to 1 new meal/ recipe a week.
I pick out a recipe and take that card with me to the grocery store so I can pick up exactly what I need.

This week was home made Chipotle! I LOVE Chipotle!!! but never thought about cooking it at home.It was very easy and pretty fun! But the best part was when we sat down to eat I geared myself up for a battle. The Julia is really a good eater and she likes a lot of different foods but she doesn't like to eat. I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. She would rather be playing out side or watching a movie, or coming up with a new play she can preform for us after dinner. Plus to top it off she says she HATES Chipotle.
So I got my boxing gloves on as we sat down at the table together.

She ate EVERYTHING! Her entire burrito! Not once did I have to ask her to sit down take a break from talking and eat her food! She loved it!!!! she would take a bite and guess what was in her burrito. Corn, black beans, lettuce, cheese, rice, chicken, and sour cream. She ate it all!!!!
I was so impressed! It felt good to actually try something different in the kitchen and my girl couldn't get enough of it!
Maybe I am starting to like this cooking thing. which is a good thing because Brian pointed out to me the other day that soon one whole pizza will not be enough for our growing family............

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