
Friday, October 5, 2012

apple dress

This year I am trying my hardest to pick my battles with The Julia.
Her clothing choices are one of those battles.
 no matter how much I want to make suggestions about weather a blue teddy bear sweater doesn't match an orange skirt.I have to step back and really think of the bigger picture.
she's wearing clothes and she's becoming her own person with her own personality and style. I dont want to be the mother that argues and fights over miss match clothes instead I want to be the mother that helps her find herself and feel comfortable in her own skin and choices. 
For her dress based on a children's book I wanted to have her be apart of the process. I sewed together a simple cream color dress. Then we painted on a design using fabric paint and apples

Her book is all about apples if you did get that :)

This concludes my children's outfits based on children's books. It was a fun little experiment and challenge for myself to try. I am still learning and have a long way to go. I am a visual learner and if there isn't step by step pictures or video I am lost :) But I like the idea of my girls looking back at their childhood and remembering mommy hand making something just for them.

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