
Friday, May 31, 2013


 I turn a movie on while I cook dinner to try to occupy my two year old.
and everyday it's always the same movie!
Miss Belle is obsessed with Dumbo.
she actually refers to it as Dumbo the Great!
so it's no surprise that her favorite thing at the zoo would be the elephants.
she gets so excited
all day she said she wanted to see Dumbo!
where is he?
Then we turned the corner into the exhibit and the look on her face is just unforgettable!
complete JOY!

 I personally hate the movie Dumbo
the older elephants are mean
Dumbos mommy gets locked up and he is not allowed to see her
Dumbo gets tortured by clowns
then he gets drunk
and starts hallucinating about pink elephants
it's just not really a great kids movie
but my girl LOVES it.
and it took about 20 minutes of trying to convince her that she was not an elephant before she stopped walking like one all around the zoo.
I love my free spirited and wildly imaginative Miss Belle.

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