
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Good FRIDAY activities

Good Friday we decided to play hookie and spend the morning at the Zoo!
my mom and sisters came with us.
 daddy and Gladys: gorillas! they were so cute!
 all the flowers were in bloom and I had to get a few individuals of my girls

 Belle had tons of Cheetos all over her face and wouldn't look at me for her picture....
 after a little picnic we headed over to Grandma's to try our hand at egg decorating. My mom saw this idea on pinterest.

 Stella was more interested in Frozen youtube videos.
 Belle had a blast hanging out with one of her favorites. our cousin Austin is always so sweet and patient with her. She's constantly asking if we can visit him more.
So basically you take shaving cream and swirl in a couple of drops of food coloring.
 roll the eggs around the cream and then let dry for a while. the long the better....supposedly...
we let them dry for over an hour.
then rinse them off.
 The color is bright and really cool designs. 
except ours didn't turn out 
at all!
 O well! that's us right?! 
we had a blast and that's all that matters.
Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Monday, April 14, 2014

hardest post I have ever had to write.

Being a photographer I have been able to capture some of the biggest moments in a persons life. 
engagements, weddings, pregnancy, birth, family, birthdays, graduations and just being surrounded by the ones they love the most.
it's such a privilege and maybe it's just me but I get so emotionally attached to all of my "clients" and their stories. 
I never imagined how much THIS wedding day would mean to so many.
I knew very little about the family I was photographing on a perfect, sunny, beautiful day for a wedding.
The Bride was a good friend of my dad's and a lot of other family friends that I hold dear to me. The Best man and bride's sister worked with me before at a benefit.
I knew they were good people and I was so excited.
 The second I saw Brea she was a picture of calm, just soaking in all the excitement of the day. Everyone laughed and enjoined watching as the bride and groom's twin two year old little girls laughed, danced and ran all over the church stopping only to show off their beautiful dresses and high heel shoes. They made everyone smile and just eluded love and happiness. I instantly fell completely in love with these two. Then Brea went to finish getting ready and Brad (dad) came out to watch them. He picked them up and twirled them around repeating over and over how pretty they looked.   before we knew it, it was time to walk down the isle. The girls looked like angels. They tried so hard to keep up with their big brother who was in front of them holding the rings, that they forgot to drop any of the flower petals. When they got to the end of the isle they just dumped the petals all in one spot at daddy's feet. The preacher said his prayers, a beautiful song was sung by a family member and then it was all sealed with  two rings and a kiss. They were finally bride and groom! Pictures were taken and then it was off to the reception. Now it was the girls time to really shine! They danced and danced to every single song. twirling and jumping. occasionally taking turns walking off to sneak a finger into the wedding cake! I couldn't help but laugh. Then they would be right back to dancing. The entire family was smiling watching these beautiful little girls having the best night.
I don't even know how to start this next part.
 I wish with everything I had that that was the end of the story.
But for reasons only God knows tragedy struck this family only three days after that amazing wonderful night. The girls loss their lives in a horrible accident. The pain is unimaginable and I can't even begin to understand what Brea and Brad are going through. The girls wondered off and were found in a neighbors pool. Everyone did everything they could but it was too late.
exactly one week after they were dancing up and down the church isle, they were being laid to rest in the same flower girl dresses.  They looked beautiful.
I am only releasing this one picture from the wedding. I don't want to gain any publicity from this tragedy or be disrespectful in any way. I want to save everything else for Brea and Brad to cherish and leave it up to them to decide to upload them or not.
I am forever grateful that I had the privilege to meet these angels and witness first hand how amazing of parents Brea and Brad are. I will forever remember them all. Every time I pick up my camera I will remember how important the memories are that I am capturing, we  are never guaranteed tomorrow.

please hug your little ones a little tighter and tell everyone you love that you love them.
If you would like to help the Spurlock family they are still in need of funds to help pay for medical and funeral arrangements. visit this page to donate.
Thank you. and RIP Shaylyn & Jocelyn