
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

a 10th letter to Julia

Dear Julia,
 a whole decade old! 
my how fast 10 years have flown!
it's been the greatest and hardest ten years of my life. 
You haven't changed too much either. You have always been this strong willed, smart, determined person. you are a fighter and not too good at losing. you have a hard time making a decision and a lot of times that anger you hold on to gets you in big trouble. you so desperately want to be grown and independent. 
Your Daddy and I are so proud of all the accomplishments you have made at school. 
yes this past year has been filled with a lot of life changing events and even a few unfair events that you have taken to heart. I have told you before that the song "My wish" by Rascal Flatts always reminded me of you. and it seems like every year it grows more true. 

My wish for you
Is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re gettin’ to
I hope you know somebody loves you
And wants the same things too

Please don't let this past year bring you down. all their mistakes are on them and in no way do you deserve to hold it on your shoulders. you did and do not need to do anything to make someone change. you are a gift and one that we treasure deeply. we love and want you. We will never give up or let you down. You made us parents and that is a job we take with arms wide open because even with all the ups and downs this is the best roller coaster ride we have ever been on. you are worth every thing. We are proud.

That perfect smile, your funky feet, your beautiful hair, your contagious laugh and the way I can just see all the gears in you mind constantly working and scheming up ways to break a rule. I love it all. 
and I feel so blessed to have been here to witness every moment of your youth. 

but for you birthday I want to ask you for something
 please go easy on me in the next coming decade.

Love, Mama

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