
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

glitter acorns

We walk to school everyday for dismissal. And on the way the girls hand me tons of acorns. Before I knew it we had a whole jar full!
For some reason I kept thinking how pretty they would be with glitter.
First we dipped them in different color paints

 dipped in a bowl of gold glitter.
Put the acorns in a clear jar, wrap a ribbon around and now we have a free beautiful fall decoration.

Monday, September 7, 2015

flower pictures

Summer is coming to a close. 
I never really photograph still life things but over the summer I just felt the need to shoot some flowers. 
so here are some prettiness to fill up your Monday.

most of these were shot at a gardening greenhouse. I am going to make it a habit to visit there and take more pictures. it was quiet and lots of beautiful things to photograph.  Exactly what I needed that day. I am not ready for the cold days. hoping fall last a while and winter just kind of gets skipped over.
I can hope.
or just look back at these and dream.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hazel is ten months!

double digits in months now!
so close to that first birthday 
but still so much to accomplish before she gets there.
all on her own time.

 this is the biggest change since last month
pulling herself up and standing
 she's a big girl now and she will even raise her arms up really high when you say "SO BIG!"
she still loves peek a boo but now she uses her hands to cover up her eyes.
she knows how to wave but would rather just bang on her belly to say hi or pick me up.
more times than not she is sleeping through the night now!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!
She is talking a lot but we just are not totally sure what the words are yet.
she eats everything off the floor and is into biting, never when she nurses just you know my neck, my arms, and my legs. the older ones never went through this stage but Hazel is determined to be different. 
she is a huge mama's girl. I am loving it but again unlike her sisters, who love me but would prefer Daddy anytime. Hazel likes hugs from Daddy but then reaches for me. I had a photo session and while I was gone Brian said she crawled to the steps and cried while looking up the steps. he said she thought I was upstairs and she wanted me to come down. that breaks my heart but makes me feel special all at the same time.
ten months is a good phase to be at. she's a delightfully happy and content baby who just loves her mama. let's just freeze time right here. because I know at some point in the future you WILL be like your older sisters and tell me how mean I am or that you even hate me from time to time. so freezing time sounds good to me.
happy 10 months