
Saturday, December 22, 2012

final countdown

Ok here is the last week to countdown Jesus's Birthday!
Friday night we did my favorite activity

 5 years ago we started this tradition
 and now there are 3 little girls that squeeze into our little carriage ride
 Saturday we took silly Christmas pictures
 Sunday was hot Chocolate 
Monday was watch Christmas movies
 Tue: we made Christmas cards well actually modified valentines cards into Christmas cards :)
Wed: Made treats using M&M'S and baby food jars
 Thursday: Julia's school christmas party and play
(i got a new phone and i hate the camera)
 Friday: We made this video

Saturday: Julia passed out the M&M's  to the neighbors and wished them Merry Christmas
 Tomarrow after church we plan on going to the nursing home to visit my grandma and pass out all those Christmas cards we made to the other residents. This is defintley Julia's favorite christmas activity. i was sure the first time we did this she would hate it and complain but she has a big heart for the elderly and loves to spend time talking to them, hearing stories, showing off tricks and songs she knows. I love her. 

And now I leave you with our Christmas card:

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