
Thursday, January 31, 2013


I wanted to share some of my dream photo sessions
these are things I really want to photograph!
just ideas

a very messy family photo shoot
 your still the one photo shoot with a couple that are celebrating a long life together

 a trash the dress
 I am a sucker for themes!
especially movie themes
and last but absolutley not least I would love to do a birth story
I have been reading about little Nora for almost a year and this slide show still makes me cry!
God is just amazing!

none of these pictures are mine and if you would like to find the original source these are all on my pinterest. if you would like to try something different for your family photos you know who to call!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I got to photograph Devin's senior pictures 
it was cold but the pictures we got are awesome so in my opinion it was well worth it!

Then afterwards Devin said he really wanted a picture with his grandpa....
talk about such a sweet guy!
how do I get so lucky to photograph the best kind of people?
and his grandpa was so sweet I almost wanted a picture of me and him too! :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

bloody period artist

back in Jr. High I was given an assignment use use any household object to make a snow scene on a piece of blue construction paper. 
my imagination got the best of me and I glued coffee filters, cotton balls, napkins, tin foil all over that paper.
 I was so proud of myself, when I turned in my project. It really looked like a snowy mountain with a lake and a pretty moon.
 later while going to lunch the teacher asked all the girls to stand in the hallway while the boys went ahead. she needed to discuss something with us.
We all stood there wondering what she was going to say.
"Someone used a feminine product in their snowy scene art project! this is very inappropriate and this individual will be getting an F."
of course being the age that we were we all started giggling and looking around to see who it could have been.
"When I pass the project back to you this afternoon I will face this one project upside down. I except this person to put it into their book bag and I never want to hear about this again. understood!"
We all agreed but I couldn't help but notice Mrs. Bihr staring right at me!
of course the girls told all the boys about the feminine product art supply. by the time everyone got back to class there were so many rumors about who it was and what was used.
I knew with out a doubt it wasn't me so I played along with the rumors and probably started a few myself.
Then Mrs. Bihr walked around the class with her stack of papers. she got to my desk looked at me and shook her head. I was completely confused.
it was like time was going in slow motion
The blue paper in her hand slowly turned over and she placed in lightly onto my desk faced down!! Every single person in the class turned all the way around and saw my paper upside down!
I was the "bloody period artist?!"
no! I would never have used anything like that what is she talking about?
I turned it over and made sure I had the right project.
my tin foil lake, cotton ball  mountain and pretty moon
wait! then it hit me my moon!
my moon!!
it wasn't a feminine product!
stupid teacher!
it's a eye patch!!!!!!
I was horrified and all the kids were already laughing and whispering. I wanted to run away and blurry my head in a hole.
I never told Mrs. Bihr she had it completely wrong and I just stopped talking to all the kids that laughed at me.
looking back I wish I would have stood up for myself. I did nothing wrong so why did I just sit back and take that? 

The Julia came home last week with her monthly project report
this month they are learning about Arctic animals
she had to make a snowy scene with her choice of animal.
she choose the penguin.
I had flashback nightmares!
my daughter will not go through what I did!
I double checked every item she choose to include in her project and made sure it wouldn't get mistaken for anything else.

I think she did a great job! 
she was so proud of herself
she practiced in front of all of us over and over reading her report about what penguins eat, look like, where they live and how they play.
they next day she was practically jumping up and down ready to leave for school to show off her masterpiece.
I was tempted to keep her home just in case she had a stupid teach that would mistake any supply she used and embarrass her and basically scar her for life!
But I kissed my baby girl and sent her to the wolves.
When I picked her up from school she had the biggest smile on her face! 
"mommy I got an A!!"

Monday, January 28, 2013

such a blast!

Of course you all remember this post
I can not tell you how much all your kinds words meant to me after posting my pictures. 
You all know how to make a girl feel good about herself and her choices.

 this past weekend I hosted my hotel boudoir party!
It was so much fun!
I know I was 10X more nervous than any of my models.
I wanted to make sure I made them feel comfortable and good about themselves, have a good time and trust me.
I have to say it was such a blast probably the most fun I have had in a while!
I want to thank my wonderful makeup and hair stylist for the amazing job she did.
 each girl looked perfect! 
I have another party booked later next month but it's completely booked up. I might host another party if there is more interest.
for now I will share one photo
I so wish I could see the husband's faces when they open their valentines present!
and I am giving you all permission to name your baby Kassondra in 9 months :P

Friday, January 25, 2013

catch up

it's been a little while since I did a phone photo bomb.
some of these are old (2-3 months)

Belle already has an artist side shes always doodling 

JP and Belle playing 
 Julia loves to put my hair in rollers
 i always feel like company's are just out to get more money. i mean do you REALLY need a seperate dish soap for your baby's dishes?

my sister

 she melts my heart
 Belle thinks she's a dog
 it was raining
Stella loves eating
 The Julia
 I ttold you belle likes to doodle. check out her toe nail polish/marker
 I need this

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I got to hang out with a sweet little one and her loving family.
Laney has them all wrapped around her finger!
 I don't blame them just look at that precious little grin.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

just pose!

While I was taking Stella's 6 month pictures last week I wanted to update a picture of all three of my girls
that's way easier said than done.
you would think with the camera being in their face 24-7 they could handle one posed picture
I got this one but it's extremely blurry and I wasn't all that cray about the look on Stella's face. 
 Then Belle decided she wanted to act all 2 year old on me and be uncooperative

 So I tried a different tactic. "give Stella a kiss on the cheek"
 obviously I forgot to tell her with out putting your hand on her face!
 So I just settled for a simple picture of their feet
I wrote a bible verse I have seen many times the describes how God made us
I will try again another time to get a cute updated picture of my three angels :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The winner is.....

I held a  little giveaway challenge these past couple of days.
I wanted to reach a goal on my Facebook photography page. I needed to have 300 "likes"
and for every person that "shared" my page was entered into a hat 
the winner receives a free photo session!
it was down to the wire!
we had 2 minutes left and I was 4 people away from 300!
i flooded everyone's news feed and i am not sorry :)
at 6:00 I hit 302!!!!!
and as silly as it was I felt so relieved and excited! 
it's pretty silly I guess 
but for my business it means I can reach more people and grow
so to keep up my end of the challenge here is the winner:
(sorry it's sideways)

Thank you guys SO much for all the support
you have no idea what it means to me that so many people believe in me and my work
lately I have been beating myself up and wondering if I am really being realistic with my dreams
you helped ALOT! 
and Miss Rowe check your messages I will be sending you all the info about your free session!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013


this Weekend we went to an Ice show.
Well actually it was over when we got there becasue of all days to hold the show they held it on the warmest winter day of the season! it was in the mid 50's 
to me that's still cold
but the ice was melting fast!
We  walked around trying to guess what each sculpture was.
Lincoln's head melted off
the effile tower was half gone
but I still had fun taking pictures

 then I just started snapping at other random things

 even though it wasn't really cold we still stopped and got some hot chocolate

 this picture is far from perfect but I am in love with it. Belle wanted nothing to do with posing with her sisters.
they are having a photo contest for the pictures taken of the ice show. I am thinking of entering one of the top three pictures in this post. anyone have a favorite? I am stumped as to which one I like best.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I love vintage
but some vintage just looks old and ugly.
there was nothing wrong with this dress just not my style.
I wanted to make something different for Stella's 6 month pictures.
I found this tutorial and added my own little touch to it.

 after I added the ruffles I wanted to add a little collar
 and a button and ribbon

I love how it turned out. she looks like she came straight out of the early 1700's 
vintage but in the most adorable way

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Can you believe it?
we are at the half way mark!
I only have 6 more months before I throw the best 1 year old party ever!
(no idea what that will be yet)
One things for sure this time is flying by
Lil Stella Jo is now 6 months old!
6 months of pure beauty and happiness
she has seriously been the greatest baby ever

 I have been a little worried about her weight. 
the doctors don't seem too concerned and she's eating all the time
But I can't help but do that thing that everyone tells you NOT to do.
I keep comparing her to pictures of her sisters when they were 6 months and all the other babies I see  that are even younger than she is!
They where chunky and had fat cheeks and thigh rolls, a big giant belly.
Stella is just lean almost like she does crunches at night. she's skinny and still fits into some of her 3 month onsies! 
But the one thing I keep reminding myself is that my mom is like 5'8'' and my brothers are both 6' my 15 year old sister is way taller than me already. so I am thinking she got that gene and what she is lacking in weight she is making up in height.
Either way she is perfect and I am beyond blessed to have such a healthy happy baby girl
Happy 6 months bug