I am holding a Valentine bourdoir photoshoot later this month
I have herd many ladies come up with excuses about why they don't think they could do it. (wieght being a major one.)
I wanted to show that I did it.
I was terrified
I made my cousin come with me
I was sucking in my belly and trying to push out my non existant behind.
I hate my nose
I feel like I have no chin
my hair never looks like i want it to
I always feel like I show WAY to many teeth when I smile
my hands look like old lady hands
I was uncomfortable
and wanted to puke
then I just stopped letting those little voices in my head get to me and
I pushed through it because I knew my husband would like them and when I am old and wrinkly it would be nice to look back at pictures of a younger me.
I love how they turned out
note: I think i am even more nervous to show you than I was when getting then done.

and I can honestly say when I look at these pictures I dont think about any of those insecurities I am excited becasue I think I look HOT!
I love them and I am so proud of myself for stepping outside of the box. and this is by far my husband's favorite present I have ever gotten him.
If oyu would like to sign up for a bourdior photo shoot with me email me at Chachimarie86@yahoo.com
or go to www.chachismemories.com for more info
we have rented a hotel room and are going to have hair and makeup music and fun times! I am so excited!! but hurry because there are only a few spots left!!!
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