
Friday, May 31, 2013


 I turn a movie on while I cook dinner to try to occupy my two year old.
and everyday it's always the same movie!
Miss Belle is obsessed with Dumbo.
she actually refers to it as Dumbo the Great!
so it's no surprise that her favorite thing at the zoo would be the elephants.
she gets so excited
all day she said she wanted to see Dumbo!
where is he?
Then we turned the corner into the exhibit and the look on her face is just unforgettable!
complete JOY!

 I personally hate the movie Dumbo
the older elephants are mean
Dumbos mommy gets locked up and he is not allowed to see her
Dumbo gets tortured by clowns
then he gets drunk
and starts hallucinating about pink elephants
it's just not really a great kids movie
but my girl LOVES it.
and it took about 20 minutes of trying to convince her that she was not an elephant before she stopped walking like one all around the zoo.
I love my free spirited and wildly imaginative Miss Belle.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

zoo birthday

what better way to spend your second birthday than at the zoo!

           miss Abby is such a sweet beautiful little girl. so glad we got to spend the day with her!

last day

Walking to school today was so bitter sweet!
I am so excited to not HAVE to turn on my alarm every morning now
I love that all my girls are going to be with me all day long
 we have TONS of fun things planned
but I am also very sad because my girl is now leaving the second grade
We had to do the annual last of school picture while holding the first day of school picture.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jordan & Amber

I have to say 
I have been blessed with the most amazing couples to photograph thier weddings!
Amber and Jordan are no exception! 
I love the way that he personafied the fact that this really was the happiest day of his life!
I love how she wanted to make sure everyone eles was taken care of and enjoing thier time expescially her new husband.
And I love how they included God into thier union.  
It was such a beautiful wedding and I know they will share a beautiful life together. 
Congrats Jordan and Amber!

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Be the match!

Want to know a simple, easy and free way to do something BIG!?!
Go to this web site
read all the information and make sure it's something you 100% would be willing to do
sign up 
then in about a weeks time you should get a package in the mail
 Follow the directions
swab your cheeks
 place everything back into the envelope that is already stamped and put back in the mail box!!

I remember when The Julia had a hospital short stay when she was around 9 months old.
Miss Belle needed tubes put in her ears
Lil Stella had me worried about health before she was born.
But God has blessed us
My children and I are healthy, My husband sometimes thinks he has medical issues but I say that's all related to his addiction to nicotine and just needs to quit!
I can not even begin to image what it would be like to have a loved one fighting for their life daily. To be on first name bases with doctors and nurses because you practically live at the hospital.  To worry 24-7 that tomorrow might be the end.
praying that just one person on the registry for bone marrow donation matches 
that one person could hold the CURE
the nightmare would be over and your family could move on and live!
I didn't sign up to possibly be a "hero"
I am not sharing this to get any praises
I am just a mom 
grateful for the blessing in my life 

since I am not rich and can not donate thousands of dollars to every charity 
 I feel like I need to do other things 
to teach my children we have to give back
we have to show God that we are thankful for our blessings
by giving to others 
I am sharing this in hopes that you too will sign up or just think of some way to give back

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Mr. Jackson is now 9 months old!
I am loving the fact that I get to watch these little ones grow up.
 this session was a tad bit different. 
you see we took pictures at his grandparents farm
we told Grandma we needed her help because Jackson really thinks his grandma is the funniest person alive.
 so she followed us around helping him smile 

we got some great pictures and while Grandma was working hard for those cute smiles her family was inside getting things set up for a surprise birthday party!
I just love the fact that I was used as a distraction and it worked grandma had no idea! 
Happy birthday Grandma Brunsman and happy 9 months Jackson!:)

Monday, May 20, 2013

chop chop

remember my hair post? 

When your pregnant you have to take vitamins. everyone says they help your hair grow. well not for me. my hair is thin but I have ALOT of it and it takes FOREVER to grow! even with vitamins!
I have been growing my hair for over two years now! 
in high school I always had shorter hair and I loved it! 
 one evening I had a little time by myself (very rare!)
so I thought perfect time to get my hair cut!
not one hair cutting place around my house stays open past 5:00 on Saturdays!!
I was so bumbed and if your friends with me on facebook you herd all about it.....
Miss Belle tried to take matters into her own hands with her plastic knife
 But I ended up waiting until morning and going to a professional

 14 inches!!!!
I took The Julia with me so she could learn a lesson in giving in ways other than money.
 she doesn't like my new hair.
But I explained why I did it. I am donating my two years worth of growing long hair to the locks of love. 
she said "That's really cool mom but if your giving it to them why not just give them ALL of it and go bald?"
She always has a way of making me speechless and rethinking who is the one teaching who here?


it's that time again!
my baby is getting bigger and bigger
her personality is really starting to come out too
she's just so sweet and quite but always happy!
I know I have said this over and over but I just love you so much!
it might just be me but I am seeing a little tint of red in her hair............ I always hoped for a red head

She's still very tiny not even 15 pounds but she eats all the time! she loves food and has a very loud squealing scream when your not feeding her fast enough. this is really the only time she's verbal.
but my mom says I was the same way and her doctor is still not worried about her so I am just going with them and trusting that she's fine. and has very good genes ;P  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Zoom zoom planes

Miss Belle has been so excited about this day
she went on and on about what we were going to do and see
 But my little animal lover somehow forgot about the zoom zoom planes and chased birds around because she wanted to hug them.
 then after her many failed attempts she just settled for throwing rocks.
 all this waiting and trying to pass time for one special plane to land
that plane was bringing home a very special person.......

My super Hero Brother!!!!!!!
if you somehow forgotten him please read here!
 he's awesome 
and his love for his nieces just melts my heart.
 I love my little brother so much and these next two weeks are going to fly by so we are going to make sure we don't take it for granted. we all missed him!

p.s. The Julia was in school and I hate that she seems to be missing things but summer vacation is just around the corner.
 we have special plans so she will get to see him plenty.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

simple little life

 here is another round of cell phone pictures!!!
enjoy the snip bits of my life. 

Stella is the only one of my girls that likes to wear head bands but she has to inspect them first :P

                           Belle on the other hand LOVES hats! she has a collection of them 

 she's my flower child

 little foot massage with lunch? yes please :)
 planting flowers with aunt TC :)
 I feel like we need more pictures together :) love it when I get to help volunteer at her school and spend time with my favorite 8 year old
 Side walk chalk is a staple at my house
I couldn't ask for a better life. these people I live with drive me crazy sometimes but they also know how to make my days better than anyone else could.
some may look at it as simple and maybe even boring 
another mommy doing mommy things 
no parties
no wild nights
no spur of the moment vacations
meetings with big people in tall buidings
I love it this way

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

pregnancy glow

There is a new little bundle of joy coming to the Peak family!
I can not wait to meet him/her! although I am thinking it's a him :)
Alicia is an absolutely beautiful pregnant mommy.
And I love these so much!
Big sister Abby is so excited to meet her new best friend

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I have been day dreaming a lot! 
I have so many goals for my photography business that I am so excited and just ready to work work work!
I know I have a long way to go to reach everyone of these goal but then I think about all the goals and dreams God has guided me to already meet and see come true
finding true love
going to Africa
making my passion my job
owning a house
keeping Julia safe
staying at home with my kids during the day
helping others
sponsoring a child 
 one time on an episode of Oprah when she  talked to a child about how her dream of singing with her favorite artist came true what will she do now? the little girl said 
"Dream bigger Dreams!"
So that's what I am doing. 
and I have no doubt in my mind they will come true

I want to build a studio in our back yard and be able to have sessions during the day and cold rain night anytime I feel like doing them :)
adoption and give birth one more time
go back to Africa with my husband
take the kids to Disney
get a bunch or awesome new props and camera equipment
be featured in a magazine
write a book
my Goal for all these dreams is to have them crossed off within the next 5 years!!!
so I am counting on YOU to hold me accountable for working my butt off to achieve them :)