Saturady was a perfect day for pictures it was warm and sunny. We went to a park called parky's farm. I love it there because they have so many barns and ponds and fences and colors! the kids were so fun and in great moods! and When the little Blondie with the puffy black skirt and pink sweater walked up I couldn't help but think of my little Blondie at home. I will make a bet she will look a lot like that in a year!

She is the kind of person that walks into a room and instantly everyone loves her! she is so funny and smart! High school would not have been as much fun without her and niether would have been working at the grocery store (and getting fired togather) when we both moved out of our parents homes we moved into apartements right down the street from eachother. we spent many night burning food on the grill. We can talk for hours about our crazy times together and still laugh like they were just happening. She was the maid of honar in my wedding and I was her bridesmaid. (her darn sister was her MOH! j/k) we have had our moments when we grew apart and life makes you put your friends on the back burner, but I know she is always just a phone call away. She means a lot to me.

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