One of my goals for this year is to redecorate my house. I wanted to start with my bedroom first becasue it's the place that i will rest and relax the most so i thought it would be a good start. My theme for this room was Love Story. more spacifically my love story. I mean it is my husbands and my bed room. Here were a few rules I felt had to be fallowed when decorating this room
1. NO TV! I feel really strongly about only having 1 TV in my house and the master bedroom is not that place!
2. No kids pictures: I feel like that strange to have pictures of your kids in your master bed room. It's the only room I have this rule in though.
3. make it about a good time in your relationship. I wanted it to have the colors of the ocean and beach because we went to the Bahama's on our honey moon. so there's a lot of blues and tans in this room.

This dresser was passed down to me by my great grandma then to my grandma and then my mom and now I have it. It's old! needs a few repairs but works fine and i liked the color so i just kept it. all the pictures on top are of me and Brian at our wedding, our marriage licenses and the tall black and white is just my all time favorite photograph ever! (Brian bought it for me one valentines day a while ago.) The stuffed animals were a price Biran won me at our fist trip to Kings Island. All great memories!

I will write more details about everything in the next coming days. I love it. and I say I'm only 95% done because I'm still working on a rug that is going to take me a WHOLE lot longer than I thought it would. plus I am going to get a Glider to sit by the window.
I love this room!
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