I would like to introduce one of the strongest women I know, My Grandma, Mary Ellen. I have always been told I look like her. I love hearing that! She is a beautiful person! With great taste in clothes! Seriously if she still had this skirt I would totally steal it and wear it all the time!!!! That's my grandpa with her. They are the definition of soul mates! The number one thing I will always remember about my grandpa was that he was head over heals in love with her! even after so many years he made sure she was treated like a queen! he would take her out to eat, go on trips and just showered her with gifts. I can still see him dancing in the kitchen while she was doing the dishes and him grab her by the hand and make her join him. I remember my grandma always shaking her head and acting shy but Grandpa didn't care. He loved her and wanted to make sure she knew it.

After he pasted away she was heart broken and we tried to be her support system but She ended up being ours! If ever I need anyone to talk to I know she will drop everything shes doing and listen. Even if I am being a crazy hormonal pregnant women that needs a break Grandma is right there.

This past summer my grandma got some very bad news that she had cancer. Being the strong person we know she is, she made the decision to fight it head on! the doctors took her into surgery to remove the cancer. they told us it had spread and she would need to do Chemo Therapy. This picture was taken after about three rounds of treatment. Her hair started falling out and she got really weak and tired. We all knew she wasn't feeling good but she still came to Belle's first birthday party and had her annual Bengals Sunday get together. She still attended Thanksgiving dinner and held Christmas at her house. she took me out to lunch a couple of times and we went shopping together. I admire her because once again she became our support system threw all this. She never stopped living she reassured us she was fighting and she will survive!

This week was huge for my grandma! She was told by her doctor at her checkup after her last chemo treatment that she is in REMISSION!!! CANCER FREE!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMA!
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