Again I am sorry for not posting in a while! The new Baby is playing games with us!
but more on that later. for now I wanted to share with you how we are keeping cool in the crazy heat!
I LOVE SUMMER and would take any of these HOT HOT days over a cold one anytime! but being pregnant and not feeling to good the heat is a little too much for me. my girls have been getting creative with their cool down methods:

One day we were driving home from church and I spotted this patio set on the curb!!!!!!!!!! I talked Brian into stopping and picking them up!!!!!! I am SOOOOOO excited about them!!!! the green is perfect with my green door, they are in great shape! I plan on changing the fabric but that's for another day.
For now I am just so happy to have a place to sit and watch my girls play outside!
Someday we plan on installing a pool in our back yard but I just don't trust The Julia to fallow the safety rules right now. So until then they swim in here:
It's ghetto I know but it works for now :)
I will post tomorrow unless this baby changes her mind again and decides to come!