on Dec 1st we start our family tradition of the Christmas countdown.
that means every single day leading up to Christmas day we do something Christmas related. My husband and I want to instil in our girls to always be grateful and giving. we keep those things in mind when planning the Christmas countdown activities. a lot of them are about helping others and centered more around Jesus birthday. we do include a dash of Santa Claus because we feel like the original story of St. Nick has those morals that we want to teach our daughters.
On Dec. 1 My mom took Miss Belle to the Christmas parade. (Julia had a rough week at school and was at home) I didn't get any pictures but I will never forget her face when she saw Santa riding on his sleigh down the street.
Dec. 2 live nativity : we did cheat on this one a little. It was cold and rainy so we drove slowly past it and pointed out all the important characters and talked about Jesus birth.
Dec3. we made Christmas list using magazines. Everyone was aloud to cut out three gifts they would like to get and then a gift their sisters would like to receive.
Dec. 4 was Christmas cookies
Julia wanted to skip this and attend a school skating party instead.
So Miss Belle and I got to spend some one on one time together

Please excuse how horrible this picture of me is. The only reason I posted it was because I think someday she would Cherish this picture of us making cookies together. I know I do.
Dec. 5 We listened to Christmas Music all night instead of watching TV.
Dec. 6th We visited this website and spent hours watching each other in the Christmas video cards. and laughing our heads off!!!!
I will update you every week and let you know what fun activities we did for that week.
I love this tradition for so many reasons. And the girls really look forward to finding out what we are going to do that day.
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