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Last night was our presentation about the mission trip to Africa. We started the night off with introductions and a short video of our trip. Then we each stood up an talked about one story that really touched our heart. When it was my turn I stood up and talked about
Baby Julie. There were a lot of tiers and laughter. It was so awesome to share with the Parrish and everyone else that came to the presentation about these amazing people we met and now hold a dear place in our hearts. Everyone is on board to go back to
st. Jerome Cove Center in the year 2013 and many more now have that seed planted in them to possibly join us!
After we talked everyone got up and enjoyed some snacks, drinks and walked around looking at pictures and handmade gifts that were given to us from Uganda. We had a silent auction of various things. I also donated a framed picture of the little feet walking the dirty streets of Africa. It was an amazing night with the most amazing people talking about these amazing children!

I am SO Thankful for my mommy! She was talking to one of the lady's last night from Cove about me and she said I inspired her to do mission work. I couldn't help but laugh inside because my mom has one of the biggest hearts I have ever known. Maybe it's the nurse in her but she always wants to take care of anyone in need. She has been the picture of strength and determination for me. She made me and my brothers and sister her top priority and worked very hard to give us everything we had. I remember her always saying if she won the lottery she would open up a clinic and offer free services and assistance in buying car seats and cribs for parents that were struggling. She always wanted to be a traveling nurse (in America) and go to places that truly need help. She has so many dreams that she has put on hold to raise us. My mother inspires ME! I want to pass on that desire to help others to my children. I would not have been able to go to Africa without the support and help my mom gave me. It meant so much to me to see her and my step dad come to the presentation last night. and I want her to know I will never give up on trYing to get her to cross the ocean and into a foreign country :)
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