Have you ever gotten an E-mail that changed your whole day? Made you so excited for someone or many people? Made you wish so desperately that you were there in person to share in their joy?
Let me start at the beginning......
I signed Julia up for Preschool back in 2009-2010. We felt like it would be good for her to meet other kids her age, to learn and get her ready for school. She loved it! but surprisingly her favorite part was every Friday the kids would go to mass. It's not your typical Sunday morning mass. It was designed for the kids with songs and lessons they would understand. plus it was a lot shorter in length giving the fact that 4 year olds can't sit for an hour. I would go with them and every time Father Tom would walk in the Julia would jump up and down shouting
"Hi Father God! Father God hi! do you see me?! Hi!" (kids say the darnedest things) He would always crack a smile and give her a little wave. I knew in those moments Julia was this little sponge and she would hang on every word he would say. She was excited about church and Jesus and what could be better than that?
On our mission trip I saw the same enthusiasm in the kids at Cove as I did in Julia's eyes! They were so excited to learn from Father Tom. They wanted to spend every waking second with him. They flocked to him just like I imagine children did with Jesus. Father Tom is a great Priest and teacher and friend.

Father Tom has since been transferred to another church that really needs him. but we get to see him at times and this summer we are planing a luncheon when Father Hilary and the ladies from Chicago come to visit. I can't wait to hear Father Tom's excitement over the basketball court! I know that will be one of his top things to do when we go back; Shoot some hoops!
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