Miss Belle,
It fascinating to me to think about how our family even functioned before you came along.

We didn't hear high squeaky squeals every morning telling us to wake up it's a new day!
We didn't know you would act so shy toward people but then crack that chipped tooth smile at us when those people would look away.
We didn't witness your excitement over every little mundane thing that makes us stop and enjoy the right now with you.
We never sat and wondered where did that blonde hair come from?
We never felt so appreciated as we do every time you say "tank you" for no apparent reason at all.
You bring so much joy and happiness to our family.
We didn't know what to expect when God brought you into our lives but he knew what he was doing.
The world truly is a better place just because you are in it. Happy 2nd birthday Belle Elizabeth
Love forever and always,