So I know it's been about a week since I posted on here.
This is my SUPER busy season and I have been clicking away on my camera non stop!
I love it!
but I miss writing and sharing.
so I am back!
Be ready for tons of photography post but for now I want to share with you a few phone photos from the last two weeks or so...
My house is all ready for Halloween!
(I have no idea why the lines are in this picture.....maybe my house is haunted!)

Julia's school only has three buses. every else lives in walking distance including us. so most people walk everyday. I thought it was weird that they celebrated national walking to school day like it was something unheard of.....
something about my third daughter's eyes just gets me everytime
She's always wanting to be goofy
long legs
Julia vogues with her pumpkin
daily visits from Mrs. Garnette
someone didn't want their breakfast and decided to let me know
she's been having a hard time sleeping lately. but I am loving our extra cuddles at night
blooming in October?
I have fun with her hair when she lets me.
best of friends
Love this little man!
Tomato soup
sun burst
these two are so alike it's starting really scare me!
can you tell I am a little obsessed with taking her picture?
With something so simple she always brightens my day!
They were playing hide and seek but they both wanted to be the counter....
daily coloring
trying to get a selfie with miss Belle napping on my!
She has to read a book to daddy every night.. she says it's her homework
So these are the little moments that fill my days. I am trying to take more pictures of any and everything that just reminds me of the blessings God has given me. and when I am having a bad day I look through my pictures and it make the bad disappear.
here's a challenge for you
Take a picture today of something that made you smile. I use my phone for these because it's always with me. your picture doesn't have to be award winning or great quality. You wont regret stopping for an extra second to snap a picture. you never know one day you might look back and think I am so glad I captured this!
tag me on Facebook or post the link in my comment section below!
My favorite picture will win a special prize!
can't wait to see!!!
(only open for USA residents)
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