My husband has just celebrated his one year anniversary at his dream job.
His title is Calibrations specialist.
He works with a lot of machines and computers that test different products for other companies.
most of the products are top secret.
things for aerospace,
power generation, oil gas, transportation, biomedical, and farm heavy
equipment suppliers and manufacturers in the United States and
he loves his company and everyday is something new
I love how he comes home happy and feeling appreciated by his co-works and bosses.
This week for home school preschool We learned about technology.
or I named it -Daddy's work week!
We watched this video:
I very rarely let my kids on any kind of computer/phone/tablet
I just don't think they are all that great for kids and I would rather my kids be playing, exploring, and creating with hands on activities.
but for this week I did let miss Belle visit the PBS website and play a few learning games.

Everyday my husband empties is pockets and he accidentally brings a handful of these things home!
he always returns it :)
But we decided to make a tool box and filled it with some random tinkering tools.
We built a motherboard and connected the color "wires" to the correct color ports.
Brian loved this!
The real reason for doing Daddy week in home school preschool was because it was also his birthday week! So we spent one day shopping for his gift and the next day making his cake.
his favorite is German Chocolate.
I am not a fan so he got big helpings of the cake.
I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said he wanted a family day.
so We took a trip to the museum.
(I will have another post soon about our trip because I got tons of cute pictures!)
at one point of the museum they have on display lots of machines from back in the day.
and Brian held Belle up and said this what I would probably be working on if I lived in this time.

She is going over the letters Rr Ss and Tt
numbers 1234 and 5 in her workbooks
We has so much fun learning about Daddy's work and celebrating the man of our house.
We sure love him a lot.
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