For our honeymoon we boarded a cruise to the Bahama's. on the cruise they had certain nights that were designated as "fancy nights" were if you wanted to eat dinner in the main dinning hall you had to be dressed up. I love dressing up and getting all pretty so i had planned to bring two dresses. I wore my really fancy dress the night before and on this night i planned on wearing a cute black mini dress. (The best part about being on our cruise was we could enjoy all the alcohol beverages and not worry about driving. so to say the least we were having a VERY good time!) i couldn't zip my dress up and asked my hubby to do it for me. well he pulled a little to hard and caught my skin and then ripped the zipper clear off the dress!!!! i was bleeding but we were both laughing so hard to even notice. i sent my wonderful new husband to the gift shop to buy me a dress.
Now on to the playboy:
I was searching for a dark maroon color fabric to make my dog a costume. It has only been two years since my wonderful trip with my husband but in those two years that dress I made him search for has been ripped and stretched. the sparkles have fell out and its been sitting in my closet. so I cut it up and sewed it back together. now my dog has a Halloween costume:

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