I would like to introduce my dear friend Ashley! We have known each other since health class our freshman year of high school. This is us back then and yes I had purple hair :) I actually think about dying it that color again someday lol

This is Ashely on her wedding day! I always thought she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever met! inside and out! she has such a kind heart. always willing to listen and help in any way you need. A great friend!

and this is miss Aliyah! Ashely is an amazing mom. so much so I beg her to have tons more babies Because I believe everyone should have a mother like Ashley! She is so patient and calm and sweet with Aliyah. and not that Aliyah is a rambunctious child by any means! she is just as sweet and caring as her momma.

A week before our
Uganda presentation, Ashely came to my house and dropped off over 100 scarfs and bandanas that she made. She asked me if there was anyway I could get them over to the kids in Uganda for Christmas. I was jumping out of my skin! They were so beautiful! the fabric she picked out had butterflies and flowers then for the boys she got soccer balls (their favorite sport in Uganda) It was perfect! So I handed them over to Darlene the co-founder of
Cove Alliance. Darlene was even more exited than I was! So I knew she would get them to the kids.
One day Last week I opened my mail box and saw what I thought was our first Christmas card of the season! I read the return address and saw that it was from Illinois, I knew right away it was from Cove! I quickly opened it and saw a posted note on the card it read "please give to your friend Ashley"

I was a little disappointed I have to addmit but when i saw this little sweet face on the card of a baby in Uganda next to her bandanna that Ashley made I was over come with Joy! That night I had to go to my wonderful friend Ashley's house and surprise her with the card! She got tiery eyed as she tried to explain to her daughter about the baby in the picture.

When I think about what my trip meant to me and how much i knew it would change my life I never thought others would be effected by it too and want to do something to help also. I am so blessed to have an a amazing friend and I pray that one day Ashley will join me on a trip to Uganda where she could see first hand the joy that a little scarf she stayed up late making brought to a child.
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