One night while having dinner with my oldest but bestest friend Lisa I was talking her ear off about Uganda. She seemed to be interested, so I kept going. then it hit me that I was probably going a mile a minute and should let her talk for a second.
"I am going to Haiti in January!"
I was so excited for her! I knew she would have a great time and it would forever change her out look on life. then I started asking all the questions everyone asked me when I announced my mission trip. "where are you going? what are you going to be doing? how long is the plane ride? how long will you stay? do you know where you will be sleeping?"

There were many differences in her trip and in ours. But one thing that was the same was the way they described how the people live their lives. They don't stress about anything. They fully trust in God and all his goodness. The live their life with basically nothing and yet they are so happy because they know whatever it is they need God will provide it.
It was so great to see how happy lisa was talking about the kids she met. She told me missed them so much and couldn't wait to go back.
I know exactly how she feels:
My Uganda family has changed the way I look at life. When I feel like I am about to have a mental breakdown because of job loss, health problems, money is tight, something needs fixed on the car, children are screaming, dog had an accident, my hair is not looking good, dinner still needs to be cooked and it's already getting late, Julia isn't understanding her homework, Belle is being really clingy, my dad's health is still not improving, bills, bills, bills!!!!
I stop myself and think about one person in Uganda and all the struggles they are facing in their day and I take a deep breath and remember what Richard always told us, "No Worries, God with take care of it."
That is a lesson I truly believe everyone should learn and that is why I am so passionate about mission trips and I will continue to talk about it on my blog or if you ask me a question I will go on and on. I choose Uganda, Lisa choose Haiti, others are choosing more local places. It doesn't matter to God where you give back but what matters is the lessons you learn and carry with you forever.
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