These last 9 months have been a crazy up and down roller coaster!
I think back at that moment when I finally agreed to believe what all three of the pregnancy test were telling me, we were having another baby! Now We knew we would want another baby soon but we definitely were not expecting it to be right then! I had just totaled my car, my husband lost his job causing us stress that we would loose our house, the heater completely crashed and it was getting cold fast! Then came a hospital stay for me because of a bad kidney infection, a down syndrome scare and being diagnosed with a pregnancy condition called Choleostasis that could put the baby's life in jeopardy! So to say the least I had my moments were I was stressed out and thinking why would God pick RIGHT NOW to bring another baby into our lives?
But with every down and scary moment God showed me that he was listening to our prayers and was taking care of things. Brian got an awesome job with great hours and better pay! Our house loan is still intact and the previous owners have become our angels on earth! I was able to get a better nicer bigger vehicle that would hold ALL my kiddos resulting that accident! Our heater was replaced and the heating company gave my husband a business opportunity to work on their computers! After my stay at the hospital I realized I needed to quit my weekend job and concentrate on my photography goals more! My baby turned out to not have down syndrome but will be forever grateful for the lessons that taught me! The doctors are monitoring my baby's health more closely because of the Choleostatsis condition and I will be induced today for her safety!
Here is a look back at my growing belly:

I am so excited to meet this stubborn little girl! I promise to share some pictures when we get back from the hospital but obviously that might be a few days. thanks for all the well wishes and prayers!