Can you believe it?
we are at the half way mark!
I only have 6 more months before I throw the best 1 year old party ever!
I only have 6 more months before I throw the best 1 year old party ever!
(no idea what that will be yet)
One things for sure this time is flying by
Lil Stella Jo is now 6 months old!
6 months of pure beauty and happiness
she has seriously been the greatest baby ever

I have been a little worried about her weight.
the doctors don't seem too concerned and she's eating all the time
But I can't help but do that thing that everyone tells you NOT to do.
I keep comparing her to pictures of her sisters when they were 6 months and all the other babies I see that are even younger than she is!
They where chunky and had fat cheeks and thigh rolls, a big giant belly.
Stella is just lean almost like she does crunches at night. she's skinny and still fits into some of her 3 month onsies!
But the one thing I keep reminding myself is that my mom is like 5'8'' and my brothers are both 6' my 15 year old sister is way taller than me already. so I am thinking she got that gene and what she is lacking in weight she is making up in height.
Either way she is perfect and I am beyond blessed to have such a healthy happy baby girl
Happy 6 months bug
My little will be 6 Months on January 25. She is 11 pounds. Every baby is different. She looks great to me!