Want to know a simple, easy and free way to do something BIG!?!
Go to this web site
read all the information and make sure it's something you 100% would be willing to do
sign up
then in about a weeks time you should get a package in the mail
Follow the directions
swab your cheeks
place everything back into the envelope that is already stamped and put back in the mail box!!
I remember when The Julia had a hospital short stay when she was around 9 months old.
Miss Belle needed tubes put in her ears
Lil Stella had me worried about health before she was born.
But God has blessed us
My children and I are healthy, My husband sometimes thinks he has medical issues but I say that's all related to his addiction to nicotine and just needs to quit!
I can not even begin to image what it would be like to have a loved one fighting for their life daily. To be on first name bases with doctors and nurses because you practically live at the hospital. To worry 24-7 that tomorrow might be the end.
praying that just one person on the registry for bone marrow donation matches
that one person could hold the CURE
the nightmare would be over and your family could move on and live!
I didn't sign up to possibly be a "hero"
I am not sharing this to get any praises
I am just a mom
grateful for the blessing in my life

since I am not rich and can not donate thousands of dollars to every charity
I feel like I need to do other things
to teach my children we have to give back
we have to show God that we are thankful for our blessings
by giving to others
I am sharing this in hopes that you too will sign up or just think of some way to give back
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