I don't know if anyone has heard of the little movie called Frozen?
yeah my girls love it.
I am not much of a fan
now before I get tons of hate mail
yes I like that this movie is not all about falling for a prince or a male saving the day
and it's more about sisters.
I like that
but the actual story just stinks.
doesn't make much sense to me.
what parents would shut their child in a room telling her she has to hide and be afraid of hurting anyone she comes in contact too?
and lots of other things
I could list a bunch and maybe I will
but this post is about home school preschool.
so I will move on.
This week we learned about SNOW!
we read these books
Then we did lots of activities
cotton ball name
and chalk snowman drawing

then we had a plate full of powder sugar and traced letters Aa-Ff
this got really messy and normally I would be a little upset about the mess BUT for whatever reason I just let it go and boy did she take advantage of my mood. powder sugar every where! but she got all her letters right :)
we made paper snowflakes
here is a link for lots of patterns
Then we did a little science experiment
very simple
take a pipe cleaner and cut into pieces and twist together to make a snowflake
tie a string to one end and to the middle of a pencil.
pour boiled hot water in a jar
our jar held almost 2 cups of water so we needed to add 6 tablespoons of Borax. (laundry booster)
stir it up
then place the snowflake so that it is hanging from the pencil into the water:
The directions said to leave it for 7-8 hours but we didn't see much of a change so we left it over night (14-15 hours)
The next day we removed it and tied a knot at the top of the string.
and hung it on our Christmas tree:
it's really pretty and sparklingly
then I printed off a bunch of Frozen theme preschool worksheets I found here.
We also went over her letters and numbers
then we started working on sequence like first middle and last.
next week 's theme is Christmas week and then I scheduled two weeks off since Julia will be on Christmas break. but remembering how she hated taking a few weeks off when Hazel was born I am thinking I might have to plan a few preschool days during the holiday break.
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