And of course being the mom that thinks she remembers everything forgot that my camera battery was dead!!!! So that is another new years goal to add to my list: ALWAYS CHARGE THE BATTERY!
we didn't get any pictures but We still had so much fun! The girls loved it! I admit that I had visions of melt downs and impatient children. but my girls were so good! made me extra proud of them! They let Daddy read about space and astronauts (his dream job) they let mommy learn about what life was like in the 50's (my dream era) and then we headed down to the children's part of the Museum. Where there was SOO much fun to be had! I watched as daddy crawled threw the net tunnles with Miss Belle. then Me and Julia banged on the drums from Africa!! We were laughing and having such a good time!
But probably the funniest thing from our trip was when Julia asked me about the Indian statue standing next to his Tepee. I explained to her how they were the first people to arrive in America and they taught the pilgrims a lot about how to cook and live off of the plants and animals. Julia looked at me and said
"Mom, I don't care! I can see his privates!"
~the joys of having a child~
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