Right now My camera is sitting in the living room on my coffee table. waiting to be picked up and save any little memory that it will capture. I am continually reminded about how fast time goes when I look at my kids. They grow up in a blink of an eye. I don't want to forget anything! I want to cherish them while they are little. in my mind if I do that maybe when they do grown up it wont be so hard. chances are it will be but it makes me feel better knowing I have tons of pictures to look back on.
I noticed after making lunch the difference between a boy and a girl. My sweet daughter genitally dips her chicken nuggets into her ketchup. making sure not to get any on her clothes or fingers. she daps a little and then lets the extra drop back onto the tray. Then enjoys her lunch. I want to remember those little dippings. so I took a picture:

Then I turned around at Mr. JP. saw his chubby little fingers covered in ketchup. moving his hand back and forth like he was creating an art project. He was laughing and licking his hand. then he looked up at me and waved as more ketchup oozed between his fingers. He then went
right back to creating his master piece. I snapped a picture of him too.

These are little moments that will pass and my Jp will learn the mature and proper way to dip ketchup. Belle will not look as cute dipping her nugget it will be the "normal" thing to do but for now I am glad to have taken the pictures.
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