Thanks to everyone that said all those kind things about my posting on Friday. I was blown away at how many people read my blog and all the love that we got from everyone. At one point during the day someone comment that I was an amazing women and as much as I would like to stand up and say yes I am! I have those days that I don't feel like I have anything under control.
Being a mommy is really the hardest job! But probably one of the best things about it is the next day my girls wake up and its a new start. they forgotten about the stressed out mommy that I was yesterday and are ready to start today fresh. I love when they greet me with big smiles and say good morning mommy! like they have been up all night waiting to see me and can't wait for all the fun things we can do together.
Sorry about not posting anything yesterday! But I had a busy day of fun mommy duties with The Julia. (all these pics are from my phone. I am the kind of photographer that forgets her camera a lot)

Whenever I go on a field trip I always ask each girl in my group what they want to see the most and we try to make sure we see those things and spend the most time at each.
The Julia was so determined to see the sharks! then we arrived at the location in the aquarium where you get to pet the sharks! She was in heaven!
Then it was my turn I wanted to see the jelly fish! and of course take a new pregnancy picture :)