Last year I shared all about my wedding for our anniversary. you can read more about it here
This year I thought I would share a little nit about our honeymoon.
I always wanted to just go to the airport and randomly pick a flight and that would be our location for our honeymoon. but everyone told me that would be way more expensive...... one day I will do it though.
Brian said he wanted to see blue water. and real blue water not Ohio river wannabe blue. so I got on the internet and booked a flight and cruise to the Bahama's. and that was it. I felt like all the planning for the wedding was keeping me so busy I didn't even want to plan any more of the honey moon details.
After the wedding around 11pm we helped cleaned up the reception hall and then everyone headed over to my moms so we could open our presents. we kissed Julia goodbye and headed home around 12:30am to pack our bags. We had to be on the road at 2 am in order to be at the airport by 4am so we could get through security and make our flight at 6am! so this picture is us running on no sleep at all!
and we spent our first full day as husband and wife in bed
very romantic :P
but then after we were rested we had the best time!
I always say I had more fun on our honeymoon than the actual wedding. We had no cell service or internet. no responsibilities with work or family to worry about. just my husband and me having the times of our lives.
This man is my everything and I am so blessed to have him.
in the past four years we have loved and fought, had highs and lows, doors open and shut. We have been blessed with three amazing daughters and tons of memories.
I couldn't imagine going through it with anyone else and I am so excited to see what life has in store for us next.
Happy anniversary My old man

Aww this is so cute! Happy Anniversary!