It's so crazy how fast this past year went!
I can not believe it's time to reveal my top pictures from 2013!
I wanted to try to post just 10 pictures but I can't my kids are just so darn cute!!
these aren't in any real order because that would be even harder to pick my most favorite!
first up is my header picture for this blog.
I saw this idea on pinterest but I tweaked it to fit my girls.

I may or may not have signed Miss Belle up for Ballet just to get these pictures.
She did seem to enjoy it but after a month of lessons, not really learning much because she wanted to goof off and do her own thing and getting the bill we decided to hold off on any more classes for now. but my pictures are forever :)
3rd: I just am in love with the over grown weeds and sunlight. two seconds later Stella started screaming because mommy sat her on hard grass and a ton of tiny nat like bugs were surrounding her! hey sometimes my kids have to suffer so I can get my shot. :)
4th: same day as the above shot, same yard and same bug problem but again totally worth it! this is by far my favorite picture ever of my Miss Belle!
five: a while ago our dog Jerky ran away. my husband was very upset driving all around town looking for him. he said "We have to find him, he might be the only brother the girls will ever have!" gosh we do love our Beef Jerky! and the next morning we made a trip to the SPCA and he was sitting there waiting on us. Thank goodness!
6: just a little day of makeup and dress up led to a little photo shoot and my favorite picture of me and my girls.
7: I wanted to take this vintage bus home so bad!
8: last minute walk to the playground in our pjs. why not?!
8: she's growing up so fast and so beautiful!
9: Belle's obsession with Dumbo inspired her circus theme birthday pictures.
10: seriously the lighting is perfect!
11:our Christmas card picture
twelve: caught her sneaking a taste of the icing!
13: I love this man so much!
There you have it! my top favorite pictures of 2013! hope you enjoyed. what was your favorite picture of you family from the past year?
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