over the past weekend I was having some pretty bad aches and pains.
I went to the doctor on Monday and was told it was just false labor.
I hate that feeling of freaking everyone out (grandma's and husband mainly) just to be told nothing new is happening.
luckily this hasn't been as bad as when I was in the last month pregnant with Stella. she would put me in false labor every other day!!
but still I felt silly for not knowing the difference even after being through this before.
so we took a break from preschool on Monday.
but Tuesday everything was back to normal and Belle was so excited to get back to her work and activities.
We learned all about Germs and cleaning up the environment.
I wasn't able to get to the library to pick up our books because of the hectic weekend so we again resorted to YouTube stories.
We sang a song:
(row, row, row your boat)
Wash, wash, wash your hands
play our handy game
Rub and scrub and scrub and rub
Germs go down the drain.
We learned the proper way to wash your hands and drew a picture of what hands look like dirty and then clean.
We used vinegar and salt to clean up some dirty pennies.

During our walk to pick up the big kids we cleaned up any trash we found along the way. (I gave her some gloves. to re-enforce no picking up germs.)
She swept some pretend dirt into a shape I called out.
she wasn't the biggest fan of the sweeping and looking back I should have used a smaller broom and bigger "dirt' than the beads because it wasn't really going where she wanted it to go easily and when she gets frustrated she tends to just give up.
her workbook was all about reviewing all her shapes and the number 6.
Miss Belle said "the number 6 is a FUN number to write!"
and then she filled her whole paper with sixes.
At the beginning of the week my mom told me I might want to skip preschool this week and just rest.
I knew that wouldn't go over well with Miss Belle and I knew this week wasn't too much of a topic that required much work either. everything we had on hand or we would have done anyways (walking to school, sweeping the floor and washing our hands.) I am glad I didn't skip but I did look ahead at the upcoming topics and I changed a few things to allow a little more of "a break" in case I go into REAL Labor.
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