this week was another topic that I knew my little nature loving girl would really enjoy.
we read these books:
We sang (of course)
Old McDonald had a farm
dice-race game with farm animals
we practiced writing her numbers on a paper and then rolling dice and counting how many spaces to move the farm animal. we played a few times and she really enjoyed it. I was very proud of her numbers but she still has a little trouble writing the number 3 and 4. we will keep working on it. o and I couldn't find our horse and duck that came with the farm set so I substituted them with a unicorn and Donald duck :)

on Tuesday we had a little family outing with some friends to a pumpkin farm!
she practiced her shapes by drawing the cows spots in the shape it was assigned to.
I found this really cool video about a dairy farm
it was really interesting to actually learn everything that goes into making a simple gallon of milk.
We are HUGE milk drinkers in our family
we go through almost 3 gallons a week!
and I am very strict about what my kids drink.
only water unless with meals and then it's only watered down juice or milk.
but if Daddy is in charge he caves into their requests and gives them chocolate milk.
ugh Daddies!
so after watching the video we practiced milking our imaginary cow (doctors glove filled with milk and holes in the fingers)
We also talked a lot this week about all the many things farm animals make and give us.
we found pictures in magazines and made a chart separating the animals and their "gifts"
her work book was number 7 and 8
a review of all her shapes and then we started working on sorting big and little objects.
I am completely convinced Miss Belle is a farmer girl at heart
a review of all her shapes and then we started working on sorting big and little objects.
I am completely convinced Miss Belle is a farmer girl at heart
she would be 100% right were she belongs in a corn field, milking cows and sheering sheep.
I have big dreams of owning a chicken coop soon (hopefully next year!) and Miss Belle helping me collect the eggs. I really want to get her involved in 4H but need to do more research about ages and what all she can do. anyone have children or belongs in a group like that that can pass any information on to us we would be so happy to check it out!!
Farm week was so much fun we didn't even take a day off!!!
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