I wanted to do something fun and different.
pink hair.
well I kept going back and fourth about doing my whole head or just part of it.
so I went to my dear friend/long time hair stylist Angel (link to her salon) and she suggested I start with just the underpart and then next time go a little more if I want
I liked that.
So she did the first step
then I bought the box at the store and waited a little over a month and did the second step.
here is the before.
be jealous of my selfies
they a beautiful :P

I typically dye my hair by myself but after many video tutorials I watched It was clear that this stuff is pretty messy and not to do it by yourself.
while sister was applying it she said "opps!"
and I was scared to look.
luckily we got most of it out.
my neck however is taking a lot longer.......
the box includes bleach and the dye
we did both steps and then I had a special deep conditioner bottle that I used afterwards.
another selfie...
here is a video after it's dried
I like it but haven't had much time to actually curl it or fix it.
I am partly waiting till my neck clears up some more.....
This past weekend I took a bubble bath and this happened....
It's fun a different and why not?!?!
you only live once
let loose and if anything it will be a funny memory my kids will talk about forever....
"remember that time Mom wanted pink hair and ended up dying the dinning room floor, chair, her neck, hands, shirt, kitchen sink, counters, and ruined about 4 bath towels?"
yep I am THAT mom.
p.s. A lot of people ask if my husband likes it.
I don't really know or care lol
It's my hair and he's used to me changing it all the time and sometimes it's drastic changes. I have suggested him doing different things with his hair but he wont so why should I do what he wants lol
he loves me
pink hair and all :)
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