Dear Stella,
Girl!! you are one of a kind! my heart skips a beat just thinking about you and how lucky I am!
I mean you are so special! I know all parents say things like that about their kids but I truly mean it with all my heart!

You are the kind of kid that goes to a playground looking for your new best friend. you include everyone in your games and activities. You ask them questions and remember their names and other details about them. you truly have a gift of making everyone you come in contact with feel special.
That crooked teeth smile melts me. you're so sweet and innocent. so happy and caring. the biggest look on the bright side person I know. you get so excited about all the little things in life. you love rainbows and sparkles. tutus and kitty cats, cowgirl boots and ketchup.
it's a privilege to watch you grow.
over the last year you have learned SO much!
I always knew you were smart. I am so grateful for the extra time we had together working on your preschool. Stella you have blown me away with how much you pushed yourself and really loved working on getting better and better at reading and writing. then you, on your own, figured out how math works!!!! you started memorizing math facts! if we were being are mad at me right now, because I have been telling you that you will start kindergarten after your birthday. well you took that literally. you think school starts tomorrow..........
you still have this huge inspiring bond with Jesus. you pray everyday all day. you tell me about your prayers for other people and it brings me to tears just how amazing you are. from the second I found out I was pregnant with you, you have taught me the importance of prayer and trusting in Gods plan. I am forever grateful for that. you changed my life.
I hope as year 6 in your life brings lots of changes and growing up you always stay you.
you're so unique and quirky. some people might not always understand but I hope that never deters you from continuing to fully enjoy life and doing what you love.
so eat pancakes with Ketchup, sing as loud as you can, talk to grasshoppers, hug nice strangers, wear your dress backwards, and suck your thumb....( ok well maybe you should break that habit)
just be you.
because you are so loved for who you are.
Happy birthday,
Stella Jo
My mini me
love forever