Dear Stella,
This past year has been full of changes for you.
You started Kindergarten!
you learned how to read, do math problems, make new friends and just blow me away with how fast you learned all the things!
School was such a big step and we had our reasons for waiting one more year before signing you up but when it was time
you were beyond ready!
School is your home away from home. you loved your teacher,
I loved that she was Julia's teacher and she already knew you and our family well.
That helped a lot with my anxiety.
you would get so upset on weekends or days off school because you didn't want a day off!
I seriously hope you always have this passion for learning and school,
it will take you far baby girl!

countless amount of times I witnessed you being the very best friend anyone would be blessed to have. A boy had a running nose and you gave him your sweater to wipe his face. You made crafts and pictures for all the kids in your class for no other reason but to let them know you thought about them. You always are concerned about any kids that are getting "bullied" and you made sure the adults around would look out for it. you wanted to be the first to RSVP to every birthday party invite. and every single day you ask for a play date and each time its a new kids name.
Your sense of Humor is one of a kind.
very silly, random and sometimes you're the only one that gets the joke
and that's totally fine with you because you just love to laugh.
it can be a crazy hyeena witch laugh with lots of snorts and its highly contagious!
you are starting to really love art more.
Your talents are neck and neck with Belle!
You color and draw everyday. we run out of drawing paper on the monthly now!
some times you do get frustrated with yourself about a mistake or not being able to doing something exactly like you had in your head.
babe please don't be so hard on yourself and let the little mistakes get to you too much. sometimes the little imperfections end up being the best part.
from the second I found out I was pregnant with you I have always worried about you, stressed about various different things about your health, your future, your surroundings. more than any of your sisters. I have told you so many times about how you taught me how to trust God, how to ask him first for help, how to pray and how to love without fear. Thank you.
you are such a homebody.
your happy place is sitting on the couch with your 20 super soft pillows, a book and your thumb. your favorite color is pink, and purple and rainbow and glitter and sparkles.
you are still a huge my little pony fan.
you still love Ketchup.
bath bombs are a favorite right now.
you sing at the top of your lungs every song you make up.
you dance and beg us to sit for your living room performances
you brighten everyone's day and you make everyone you meet feel loved. it's a gift I am so proud to see you have.
I can't wrap my head around the fact that you are 7 years old! that's a really big kids number to me and it's just hard for me because you will always be my little girl.
I love you so much! I am so excited to see what this coming year holds for you because it's going to be another big one! new school, girl scouts and ninja training :P
no matter what just promise me it will be filled with your giggles and perfect cuddle sessions.
Happy birthday
Stella Jo