Dear Belle,
every year I say I can't believe how fast time is going
but every year it just seems to speed up faster!!!
9 is a big kid number!
like there is no pretending that you are not growing up.
I am absolutely in love with who you are growing into.

Your Dad and I were talking about how you have interest and talents
that are not what Julia would call "trending"
but you completely enjoy these things and you know you are good at them
so you do it anyway. I think that is amazing and inspiring!
you love comic books, star wars, designing and sewing, drawing and roller skating.

you are so dependable and responsible.
helpful and caring.
you are always the one ready to comfort anyone that needs it.
you have a heart of gold.
and then you have the darkest sense of humor.
It completely takes people off gaurd becasue you look every bit the part of an angel
but you live for the burn you dish out.
and I admit I am very impressed and quite frankly proud of it.
your favorite person to tease is Uncle Gage.
you will never admit it but you love him so much but your so deep into your game that you could never show it.

I got to go to Girl scout camp with you this past year and I learned so much about you during all the activities and fun with your friends.
you have a great group of friends.
I am so thankful for that.
I used to pray very hard night after night that you would get out of your shell.
your friends know the real you and they love you!
they help bring out your silly, funny goofy side and they know exactly how to support you and encourage you.
You are an amazing friend back and that make me so proud.
The way you treat your sisters is exactly the way you treat your friends.
I hope you never stop that.

I feel 100% blessed to be your mom.
to have front row seats to watch you grow.
keep doing you
no worries or second guessing
be confident and practice hard until you accomplish all your dreams.
I have no doubt you will make it to Paris one day babe.
America's Got Talent is another story but you never know
no matter what know that I am your number 1 fan!!

Happy 9th birthday,
Belle Elizabeth
Belle Belle
Miss Belle