Growning up my family always kept the sex of the baby a surprize! We felt like it added to the birth and the moment when the doctor pulls the baby out and says "it's a...." I loved getting the phone calls of what my new brother or sister was! So when I was pregnant with Miss Belle it was a no brainier we wouldn't find out he was a girl until the day she was born.
This pregnancy Brian asked me if he could have say over the decisions with the baby. since he wasn't able to be at Julia's birth and I choose everything with Belle. I agreed, marriage is about compromises right?! But under one condition I wanted to find out in a special way not just at the doctors office.
So we had our sonagram this morning and I had the Ultrasound tech write down boy or girl on a paper and seal it up in an envelop. we stopped at the grocery store and I handed the envelop to the backery lady. I asked her to make a cake and write the answer on the cake. then box it up so we wouldn't find out, until dessert.
We asked Brian's mom and grandma to come over for dinner. Me and Brian cooked a yummy garlic roasted chicken! I zest a lemon!!!!!!!!!! seriously I am so proud of our dinner it was so good!!! Then I set my camera on timer and here is what happened:

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