It's Good Friday!
Jesus died for us today.
it's something I was taught at a very young age and something that I always keep in mind.
His sacrifice
his pain
but today on good Friday it always feels a little more real.
I wake up in my comfy bed listening to my family rustling around getting ready for the day and I wonder what did Jesus do that morning?
I change dirty diapers, fix lunch, let the dog outside, put up Julia from school, do the dishes
but all the while i am playing the events of Jesus carrying his cross
falling down, getting spit on, yelled at and rocks thrown at him.
he was stripped naked, nailed, and stabbed in the side
I think about the pain Mary was feeling as she watched her son go through this.
I look at my daughters and can't imagine.
but as sad and painful today is
three days later
He comes back!
Happy Easter!
I hope you enjoy it and spend lots of good happy times with the ones you love.
I think I have the best eater egg of them all :)

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