My husband likes to update my phone every once in a while.
so I have to clear out my pictures when he does. last night he showed me how to get them off my phone and onto my laptop.
I love my computer nerd so much :P
anyway when he did this he was shocked to find I had over 2oo pictures taken in the last three months....
"why does that surprise you?"
"it shouldn't I guess."
anyway here are just a few of the phone pictures
My flower bed is going to be SO pretty!

Watching Basketball with Grandma
Catching up on her gossip.
Teaching her sister how to help with laundry.
My girls. sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get a picture of them and sometimes they ASK me to take their picture
We are making it a point to go out on date every month
Jerky has always been a great loving family Dog but I think since Stella has come along he has really grown attached to her. He's never far from her.
My Korben! Just love him to pieces!
making me some lunch :)
My cousin made it to the State finals! So proud of him.
Stella sitting like a big girl in her high chair.
she feel asleep like this lol
we love our walks
sad faces
She is not a happy shopper.
There you have it. Phone photo bomb. hopefully the update on my phone will stop the random hanging up on everyone that calls me.... sorry. But if not then another update on my phone and look for another photo bomb soon. I already have four pictures on there and it's only been 6 hours.
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