"every post she makes is pictures of the kids!"
my dad and sister were talking about me.
It made me smile.
it's true.
I am a photographer and if I didn't take pictures of my kids
it would be pictures of me cleaning the house
so be happy you see cute kids instead of mops and dishes!
I have officially been posting regularly to instagram for a little over a year now.
and I love it more than I ever thought I would!
It's easier to save my big camera for special occations and planned out photo shoots.
my phone is for all the everyday little moments I don't want to forget.
anything that might tug at my heart and a little voice says soak this moment in. it wont last and you will miss this.
in the mean time here are a few of my absolute favorite instagram pictures
if you want to follow me click here!
and let me know your link and I will follow you!

this year
along with taking everyday moments that I want to remember
I also want to start a little personal project.
I want to take capture the same subject anytime I see it.
I got the idea here
she did american flags
so everytime she saw an american flag she photographed it.
I wanted to do something similar but tie it into our family.
our last name is Taylor and the meaning of it is "tailor; to cut"
so I am going to take a picture of scissors anytime I see one.
it's strange I know but that's why I like it
I hope to get tons with in the next year and then combined all the pictures into a collage, frame and hang it in our dinning room/craft room. so if you do follow me be ready for tons of pictures of my kids and scissors! :)
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