For her 5 month pictures I really wanted to capture all her rolls
so we did a little naked baby shoot!

The bracelet she is wearing is a cross bracelet my mom bought her for her baptism and she said a lot of her Hispanic patients give a newborn baby a religious bracelet at birth and they never take it off. I really liked the idea that she had Jesus with her always. so I leave it on her too.
FYI: it fits her very well
so no choking worries.
trust me I have anxiety over choking hazards so I made sure she is safe.
She is warning me that she doesn't approve of these naked baby pictures.
Then her sisters HAD to join in.
they each had a pose they wanted with her.
She is very playful right now.
loves taking baths and makes Indian noises when you put your hand up to her mouth
she started eating cereal
she is not a fan of anyone but her mommy and daddy holding her.
she cries the saddest cry if anyone tries.
she still sleep pretty good and has set her own bedtime at 8:00 every night.
she hates being hot and sweats a lot-she gets that from her daddy ;)
she has a huge smile and the biggest blue eyes that catches EVERYONE'S attention-she gets that from me ;P
no seriously we keep looking at her and saying how much she really DOESN'T look like her sisters or acts like them at all! she is her own totally unique little person.
5 months
I can't believe it.
and she needs to start sitting up better because her monthly picture looks so uncomfortable now
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