fact: I spent 6 years of my life in braces
It seemed like an obvious choice to work in the dental field too.
so I went to assisting school got a job at a pediatric office and then started studying to get my hygiene license.
The stories I could tell about that whole experience would have you running for the hills.
I loved my job and working with the kids
but the company and a lot of things they pushed for was just not sitting right with me.
like I said I could write a whole book.
huge reason why I am so strict with my kids about snacks and drinks are because of the bad shape some of my little patients were in.
so it's important to me that my kids know how to take care of their teeth.
We read some books
and watched a silly video
we looked through magazines to find pictures of food that were healthy and unhealthy for our teeth.

Then we played a matching game with her numbers.
I would call out a number and she would have to glue on a tooth to cover the number.
We also did a little art project using an old tooth brush and white paint.
to show what clean healthy teeth look like.
We had a check up appointment at the dentist and all my girls were given a perfect bill of healthy teeth! I was not so lucky, I had 3 cavities.
so I was busy and couldn't take any pictures :(
Belle was able to get through her flash cards of ABC's with no help!!!
she is so sick of those flash cards
I told her we will move on the her new work book all about learning how to read.
so she's excited about starting that.
We also went over days of the week and months and what a calender looks like.
I only have 2 more weeks of home school preschool!
but don't worry we all decided we would do a mommy summer school and include Julia and Stella that will start in June but there are a few off weeks for bible camp and birthday's. they are all so excited! it should be a great summer.
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