Dear Stella,
It is hard to pin point just how to describe you.
almost everyday someone comments on how much you look like your sister, Belle.
But I quickly inform them you have a totally different personality than her.
other than looks you both are nothing alike.
You love cuddling, piggy back rides, sleep, food, going bye-bye and chasing bugs.
your favorite phrase is "That's funny"
and then you crack up in the biggest fake laugh I have ever herd.
you want to squeeze every baby you see.

You are not a fan of being messy, flip flops, water on your head,
you have a temper on you and you are not afraid to show it.
no one is aloud to hold your baby dolls or color on your paper.
your sisters are not to make you play with them but they better not leave you out of their play time either.
If daddy is around any other little kids he is not allowed to hold them unless he is holding you too.
your the perfect combination of sweet and spice
you have stolen our hearts from the second you came into this world two years ago.
I hope this next year you continue to grow and learn
you keep that Independence and confidence in yourself
you inspire me.
We call you Lil' Stella
but the only thing little about you is your size
you have a huge heart, mind, and great big world you WILL tackle one day at a time.
I love my bug.
Happy 2nd birthday
Love mommy.
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