With it being Labor day today
I thought it was fitting to post this one today :P
when we decided I would stay home with the kids, it was really my husband's idea and over the years he has been my number one supporter. even when we were really struggling financially and I secretly sent out resumes to find a job my husband was 100% against the idea and worked harder to make sure I didn't have to do that. He knows how much I do and he appreciates it and more than anything he knows how good it is for our girls to have me home with them and for them.
with all that being said one day he walked into the kitchen and listed off all the things he did that day. 1 load of laundry
cleaned his car out
paid bills
I think that was about it.
I don't really remember because all I could think about was how my list was literally ten times bigger!!
so I told him my list and he walked over and kissed my forehead.
yeah that's what I thought mister!
so for proof I thought back to this post
where I took one picture every hour on the hour
and I thought I should do this assignment again.
this time I took a picture with every activity I did through out the day.
just for fun
and maybe a little in your face Brian Taylor :P
This was on a friday
we wake up a 6:00 to get Julia ready for school and walk to the bus stop by 6:40

head back home and feed me, Miss Belle and lil Stella by 7:00
Harper get here around 7:30
we read stories or color
by about 9 Harper gets hungry needs a diaper change and gets a little sleepy
9:30-10 I try to clean while the little ones play
10:00 is our Daily viewing of Sesame street. sometimes I get to watch but mainly I clean some more (laundry, dishes, windows)
10:30 on Fridays Korben comes over to play. Fridays are miss Belle's favorite days. she loves playing with Korben.
11:00 is cook and eat lunch time.
11:45 I clean up lunch, change diapers and put little ones down for naps
12:00 I get to shower! :P
from 12:30-1:30 I work on pictures watch Days of our lives and sometimes sneak in a snack. Miss Belle has refused to nap lately and so I just let her stay up as long as she colors, reads or plays quietly. but she mainly sneaks bits of my snack :P
1:30 wake up little ones, change diapers, get them dressed load everyone up in the stroller and head out the door by 2
2:15 we pick up the after school kids at their school
then by 2:45 we are headed to the bus stop to pick up Julia.
we get home and change more diapers, start home works, chores and feed Harper baby food 3:00
since it was friday and the big kids didn't have any home work so we grabbed popcicles and played outside 3:30
Korben is all boy and rolled around in the sandbox until he was covered!! 4:15 we went inside cleaned up, more diaper changes, drinks.
4:30 I had another mess to clean up on the floor
by 5:00 Grandma Vickie came over to visit and kidnap my 2 oldest for the weekend. it was a mad house for abit
5:30 everyone is picked up and my house is suddenly quite
My husband got home around 6 and we got dinner together.
came home and I crashed out on the couch.
most days I forget I am pregnant until after the day is done and all the events catch up to me and I physically can't move. my back and hips have been really hurting lately. I think baby number 4 is getting bigger and my body is like "slow down!"
I think with all the debates about stay at home mom's vs. working moms is silly
there is work and joys with both
somedays I wish I could work, get some adult conversations and just feel like a am doing something more productive than sweeping the floor or changing diapers 15 times a day!
then Harper waves and gives wet sloppy kisses
I am blown away by how talented miss Belle is at coloring
The way Stella yells at me for not saying "your welcome" after she thanks me over and over again.
how Tanner and Kylan push the stroller for me becasue they just want to help
how excited Julia is to tell me EVERYTHING that happened at school
The smile I get seeing my husband's car pull into the driveway.
I would miss all of that if I was at a real job.
this is only temperary
and I will miss this
and look back on what a normal day was like and wish it hadn't gone by so fast.
*that sounds like a country song*
anyway enough rambling
hope you all have a great Labor day.
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