I made a blanket for each of my girls when they each were babies.
not one is perfect or even complete
but they each were made just for them and made with lots of love!
They each have a story and it's own personality
just like each of my girls.
These blankets might mean more to me than to them right now.
Julia does sleep with hers but the other three are just folded up in the pile of blankets we have stashed away.
I am a hoarder of blankets. in my opinion you can never have enough!
pictures and blankets
I can't even tell you how many I have and they fill up multiple closets.
I had this idea to take pictures of my girls with their blankets for a while but it never worked out just right in order for us to do the pictures.
until tonight!
all girls were awake
the sun was setting but not completely set just yet
and most importantly everyone was in good moods!!
so crazy idea mom said
"put on your jammies, grab your pillows and blankets
I will get the headboard from the basement and GO OUTSIDE!"

left to right:
Hazel's is a lizard based off of her nursery theme
Stella's a memory quilt form her baby clothes and random fabric
Belle's a funky picture quilt of a monkey: her nursery theme
Julia's a crochet blanket of rainbow yarn: her favorite color.
this session seriously made my week!!
one happy mama here!
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