We decided after many trial and errors to not push our children to do extra curricular activities. If there is something they are seriously interested in then we will look into it.
Miss Belle started mentioning volleyball. She watched videos and talked to her friends that played and she really wanted to join. About that same time I saw a summer league advertisement with her old school. So I called and before I knew it she was wearing the uniform and handed the ball to be the very first server in her very first game!

It went ....well lets just say........ I am excited to see her grow throughout the summer.
I am very proud of her for putting herself out there and trying something new.
I do thin once she gets over a few hurdles she is going to really love volleyball.
In the mean time she is enjoying spending time with her friends again.
I think its no big surprise that I get really excited to cheer my kids on.
I am typically not a loud person but when it comes to being on the sidelines I hoop and holler a lot. I don't even realize I am doing it.
Miss Belle is at this fun stage in her childhood where she gets embarrassed by me.
one of my least favorite childhood stages.
So she asked my husband to keep me in check and not draw attention to myself or her........
huge eyeroll!!!!!

I looked back at the other girls to maybe pass my cheer-leading duties on to them but
this was Hazel....

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