(*disclaimer: we are not against public school but for our family it was not the best road*)
tomorrow is a big day
The Julia is starting a new school!
the old school was going in a direction that we didn't want our children being exposed to.
The system was not teaching her values and qualities we wanted to instill.
Julia is extremely smart and loves school but we saw a decline in her grades and interest in learning and felt like we were not getting any support from her teachers to help her grow.
And multiple other issues with other children didn't sit well with us.
We prayed and prayed every night to have God guide us to make the best decision for our children's future.
The financial commitment is huge and we were very worried we wouldn't be able to do it.
when it's the right thing, some how, some way God makes it possible!
It's not going to be easy but it's absolutely worth every extra hour at work or cutting back on dinners out, vacations and buying new things.
Her new school is a catholic school and we are so excited about her learning more about our faith and having more emphasis on her education
We want the best for our kids and we feel 100% this is it.
I recently was asked if Julia was nervous
that made me laugh
because I don't think there was ever a time The Julia has been nervous.
She's extremely outgoing and so confident in herself.
She's so excited running around tonight getting her lunch made, uniform laid out, alarm clock set and just dancing around signing songs and hugging me over and over again.
this has been a HUGE 180 from the last month or so.
things have been very rough with her for other more personal reasons.
She has been so full of anger and has had a lot of violent outburst
so this excitement tonight made me even more confident on our decision.
my cup was over flowing with love for her all over again.
I couldn't help be remember the first time I saw her.
only 3 weeks old sitting in her car seat smiling and staring at me.
or a year later when she first called me "mommy" for the first time

and then fast forward to her first day of Kindergarten.
then in a blink of an eye she's 9 and going into the 4th grade!
o yeah and one more BIG change for her:
for months now she has begged me to cut her hair.
I talked her into waiting until the end of summer.
today we searched for haircuts she would like and she kept picking out the "Pixie" cuts!
I was doing everything I could to talk her out of it
I was doing everything I could to talk her out of it
if you know THE JULIA you know there is NO talking her out of anything she wants.
so she sat in the hair dresser's chair and was asked 3 times if she was sure.
Julia said yes with the biggest smile
the scissors closed on her pony tail!
Miss Belle and Lil Stella sat and watched her hair fall to the floor.
Stella kept saying "it's all gone!"
and my tears were flowing.
It fits her
Sweet, Sassy and simple
she's growing so fast
Thank you Jesus for the last 9 years all the ups and downs, the struggles and fun, the sleepless nights of worrying and times that I squeezed her a little too tight. Thank you for giving me the best gift in being her mom. I am the lucky one that gets to watch this miracle person beat the odds and show the world she's got more to give.
I love her and guarantee I will cry harder tomorrow than any birthday or first day of school before.
It's going to be a big day!
She's ready!