This week in home school preschool
We learned all about Butterflies!
We read (of course)
and studied a lot about the life cycle of a butterfly.
this was a great video
here she did a matching game to review her numbers.

Then I assisted her in a sewing project.
She created her very own Butterfly wings.
Then we made a diagram with doors that open to show each phase of the life cycle.
recent events have me second guessing my girl and what she is actually learning but she shows me every day that she is just fine and making great progress!
here is just one page out of her math work book.
we are reviewing all the teen numbers.
We still have work with her letters and being able to recognize them but she is getting there.
Today she asked if she could write out her guest list of friends she wants to invite to her birthday party and I handed her the flash cards and told her the letters of her friends name and she wrote each of them out! It's a small thing I know but it's amazing to me.
We had another busy week this week. we had extra friends come play one day and then we had a doctors visit to take my dad too and we had to also visit my grandma who is entering into her last days and I am extremely behind on photography work. It's been very stressful and I could have easily said no to home school preschool this week but it's really that special one on one time I get with my miss Belle and I needed that time with her. We only have a month left of preschool planned but I am thinking about doing a family summer home school. I need to look more into what we all can do but I am looking forward to it too.
Ok I am done rambling on to planning. have a great weekend! I have lots of post coming your way just have to get caught up first!!!